Gela grew up in Sweden. There among endless forests and thousands of lakes she developed an affection for dreaming, drawing, and reading which earned her a degree in Fine Art and later a job in digital media. After 25 years of snowy winters, Gela moved to the Golden State’s sun and started working as a digital artist for Hollywood blockbuster movies.
Gela has by now made Robert Downey Jr. fly, aged Brad Pitt backward, sank Johnny Depp in numerous pirate ships, and exploded just about everything on screen. The stories of Gela Kalaitzidis’ are inspired by these adventures but with way fewer explosions!
Gela lives in Venice Beach with three children, a Greek husband, too many pets, and endless stories to share. Gela Kalaitzidis is represented by Deborah Warren at East West Literary Agency.​​​​
Gela is an active member of the Illustration Department & SCBWI

Contact Gela HERE
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